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Patch notes: Difference between revisions

From Persist Online Wiki
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(Added patch notes up to v.
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== v. - 24/11/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added missing water volumes
* Added missing Mesh Colliders
* Added Starter Melee weapon

=== Updated ===

* Updated default texture settings from high to medium
* Updated times for Fish Claim
* Updated Desert Eagle
* Removed all quests without objective
* Removed NPC names in chat when NPC dies

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug where muzzle flash fx called instantiate with a null reference when weapon fx pivots were not provided as expected
* Fixed bug where fishing rod was not correctly rendered when fishing
* Fixed bug where aim pivot was too close to character when attacking without active weapon zoom
* Fixed bug where players could zoom aim when being mounted
* Fixed position and behaviour for Ava Ramirez
* Fixed marker position for Ava Ramirez
* Fixed wrong message in fish claim

== v. - 23/11/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added new Character Controller and Outfits
* Added new NPCs
* Added Auction house
* Added new Cities and Strongholds Deadend and Timberhaven
* Added new Quests
** Please remove all old quests without names; they won't work anymore
* Added Claim System
* Added Funnel Optimization
* City rework
** Rework on most city areas
*** Added City districts
*** Added more space & more complex buildings
*** Added more infrastructure
*** Added more detail propping

=== Updated ===

* Updated Day&Night Monsters with correct Spawn/Despawn

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bugs in the party system
* Fixed F12 bug

=== Update notes ===

* Check out our blog for more specific details:

== v. - 05/06/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added party system

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed login issue
* Fixed various bugs in the harvesting system
* Fixed bug where enum of interactable modifiers was broken
* Fixed extend account session on change squad
* Fixed bug in climbing system where player character could climb through obstacles over the climbable
* Fixed bug in enemy and npc ai handling where early out in aggro handler returned wrong flag

== v. - 09/05/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added new weapon deviation system to client and server project

=== Updated ===

* Updated weapon attack handling in client project for new weapon deviation system
* Updated weapon deviation calculations in server project to a much more sophisticated approach
* Updated crosshair ui handling in client project for new deviation system
* Updated save zone boundaries of 'Junction' in content
* Updated default zombie head and body collider measurements in server project for new deviation system
* Updated default npc head and body collider measurements in server project for new deviation system
* Removed depricated deviation values from weapon prototypes in content
* Removed depricated deviation editor fields from weapon editor in client and server project

== v. - 02/05/2023 ==

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in mount animator controller where neigh sfx behavior did not trigger its playback as expected
* Fixed bug where the game session expired on account creation
* Fixed bug in action bar where chat inputs triggered action bar slots
* Fixed bug in character animator states where jumping on a horse triggered a wrong animation
* Fixed bug in character movement where player could walk on too steep grounds
* Fixed bug where accounts with purchases from store couldn't log in correctly

== v. - 26/04/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added new canvas for keybind tooltip buttons to world scene
* Added Change Squad Option to Game Menu
* Added decoupled enter world and spawn character
* Added new enter world routine to player manager

=== Updated ===

* Updated spawn location of keybind tooltips from main canvas to own canvas object in client project
* Updated spawn player handling in player manager in server project
* Updated character spawn handling in client and server project

== v. - 17/04/2023 ==

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed a bug where zombies and NPCs stopped spawning after a while

== v. - 12/04/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added new damage modifiers
* Added new effect "Protected Area"
* Added new effect for trees being chopped

=== Updated ===

* Updated damage modifier types of effect modifiers to percentage values

== v. - 31/03/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added duration to effects
* Added function to remove all active player effects without a duration

=== Updated ===

* Updated hud effect handling in client project to support effects without a duration
* Updated hud effect handling in client project to support runtime remove of all effects without a duration
* Updated all effects in content to support new effect properties
* Updated player despawn handling in server project to remove all active effects without a duration automatically
* Updated zone handling to a more robust approach
* Updated effect types of player effects
* Updated visibility handling of quest tracker foldout icons in client project
* Updated effect type enum to new effect types
* Updated effect type tooltip color scheme in client project
* Removed default texts from talking menu prefab in client project

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in server where players did not get removed from enemy and npc aggro tables on despawn
* Fixed bug in scrolling combat texts where a null exception could occure
* Fixed bug where dead characters were able to emit voice messages in client

== v. - 28/03/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added buildings near bridge
* Added Park near bridge

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed a bug in the horse quest, where a scriptable object was broken due to duplication

== v. - 27/03/2023 ==

=== Fixed ===

Fixed some bugs in the horse quest

== v. - 22/03/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added Questline to get the first mount (requirement: Level 40)

== v. - 17/03/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added new icon to texture sprite font atlas in client project
* Added headshot icon to scrolling combat texts in client project
* Added interface option to game menu to disable headshot icons in scrolling combat texts in client project

=== Updated ===

* Updated questable use and loot handler in server project
* Updated texture atlas for font sprites in client project
* Updated scrolling combat text damage handling in client project
* Updated maximum scattering distance in x and z direction for scrolling combat texts in client project
* Updated scrolling combat text sizes in client project
* Updated log level of players movement values
* Removed old questable handling from client and server project

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in sorting order of server network messages in client project
* Fixed bug in claimable message batching in server where wrong batch size was used
* Fixed bug where inventory item tooltips could get out of horizontal screen bounds
* Fixed bug in default settings where wrong port was specified for support service in server project
* Fixed bug in scrolling combat texts where texts might appear offscreen for huge enemies

== v. - 15/03/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added new assets for startup screen to client project
* Added new scripts and shaders for startup screen handling to client project
* Added new zone for Junction to content (but currently not a protection zone yet!!!)
* Added zone messages to hud system message handler in client project
* Added zone handling to lod manager in client project
* Added new Faction and NPCs with Karma quests
* Added cloth to loot from Wardrobes

=== Updated ===

* Updated startup scene with new dynamic prefabs in client project
* Updated startup scene logo handling and put persist and cipsoft logo in its own ui layder
* Updated Karma system. Zombies no longer yield any Karma
* Updated FactionXP system. Zombies no longer yield any faction xp
* Updated enemy loot to not include any cloth anymore
* Removed old startup screen background from client project

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in client where exit game from game menu was not handled as expected
* Fixed bug in server where player did not get despawned from world at correct time when a logout occured
* Fixed bug in various prefabs where old box colliders got replaced by mesh colliders
* Fixed bug in world patch optimizer where pivot was used instead of geometry bounds center point
* Fixed bug in server player handler where despawn did not unsubscribe from zones as expected
* Fixed bug in quest completion trigger handler where voice and zone messages were missing
* Fixed bug where players experienced unexpected kicks

== v. - 27/02/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Players will now loose the content of their backpack on death
* Players will now loose the equipped backpack item on death
* Added dynamic current hitpoint depended saturation visual effect to client project
* Added custom player lootable visual prefabs to backpack prototypes in client and server project
* Added various helper functions to servers account manager to handle backpack loss upon death
* Added new lootable type for player loot to client and server project
* Added new lootable prefab for player lootables to client project
* Added player lootable prefab to clients world manager in client boot scene
* Added player lootable handling to server project
* Added various helper functions to utility class to handle new player lootables in client and server project

=== Updated ===

* Updated main world camera in client project
* Updated player loot despawn duration from 15m to 20m in server project
* Updated lootable spawn network messages to show the correct backpack item after death as loot container
* Updated aot defines for network messages in client and server project
* Updated log level of movement update warning in server to debug
* Updated stop watch warning threshold of main message pump in server project from 5ms to 20ms
* Updated loot handler in client project to support player lootables
* Updated refresh rate of action bar from 10Hz to 20Hz in client project
* Removed unnecessary old lootable prefabs from client project
* Removed unnecessary shader channels from world scene canvas objects in client project

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in server where additional backpack rows where not considered correctly on creating player loot
* Fixed static flags of backpack lootable prefabs in client project
* Fixed bug in client where dead players sended unnecessary movement updates to the server
* Fixed bug in server where a null exception could occure when killing a player and removing its backpack items
* Fixed bug in client that certain ui elements did not hide as expected when toggling to screenshot mode
* Fixed bug in world scene where action bar elements had wrong sorting orders
* Fixed bug in action bar position where border slightly missmatched the inventory border in client project
* Fixed bug in quick info container where positions overlapped with the action bars
* Fixed bug in action bar slot where linked action got triggered unexpectedly when chat was in type mode
* Fixed bug in action bar slot where pending invoke calls did not get cancelled on destruction

== v. - 17/02/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added action bar to client project
* Added possibility to use modifier keys in key bindings (Note: user defined key bindings will be reset)
* Added accept text to quest log entries of character info menu in client project

=== Update notes ===

* Hint: You cannot switch your weapons with 1-4 anymore. Weapon switch is now on mouse wheel or Q and Alt-Q

== v. - 16/02/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added new quick info for karma changes to client project
* Added new quick info for xp changes to client project
* Added new quick info for raw material changes to client project
* Added new quick info for currency changes to client project
* Added new quick info for reputation changes to client project
* Added quick info background colouring to quick info labels in client project
* Added character caching to quick info mails in client project
* Added static string for startup scene in client project
* Added new quick info prefab for unread mails to client project
* Added sfx handling for unread mails quick info to client project

=== Updated ===

* Updated amount tooltip handler to show and hide the dismount option only after idling for a short period of time
* Updated quick info manager in client project to handle karma changes
* Updated quick info time for xp, karma and reputation changes from 5 to 4 seconds
* Updated quick info manager in client project to handle raw material, currency, reputation and xp changes
* Updated quick info loot duration from 4 to 5 seconds in client project
* Updated colour scheme for currency and raw material quick infos in client project
* Updated quick info handling in client project
* Updated quick info manager to partialized class structure in client project
* Updated quick info manager to support unread mails notifications in client project
* Updated various harvestables to use new mechanic
* Removed system messages for karma changes in client project
* Removed system messages for raw material changes in client project
* Removed system messages for currency changes in client project
* Removed system messages for xp and reputation changes in client project
* Removed scrolling combat texts for xp changes in client project

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in client boot scene where quick info mail component was not handled correctly
* Fixed bug in client where quick info mail push after login was not working as expected
* Fixed bug in client where quick info mail sfx was played back while in loading scenes
* Fixed bug in client where quick info manager initialisation was hooked in wrong place

== v. - 13/02/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added debug information for audio buffers to inventory manager in client project
* Added various new foley sounds to server and client project for inventory item handling
* Added dynamic audio pitching to inventory foley sounds in client project
* Added menu offset handling to quick info loot prefab in client project
* Added audio pickup and drop fields to item prototype definitions in client and server project
* Added static audio source component to inventory manager to playback foley sounds in client project
* Added generic audio sound effects for foley interactions to client project
* Added quick info manager to client project
* Added quick info prefab for loot to client project

=== Updated ===

* Updated names of private test patches to avoid any collisions with live patches
* Updated default color scheme of scrolling combat texts in client project
* Updated scatter behavior of scrolling combat texts in client project
* Updated sizes of scrolling combat texts in client project
* Updated collider sizes of enemy, npc and harvest lootables in client project
* Updated visuals, position and timings of keybind tooltip to a more slick version in client project
* Updated inventory foley audio handler to provide different default sfx based on the item types
* Updated characters bored timer from 90 seconds to 180 seconds
* Updated item pickup message of quest items to new quickinfo system in client project
* Updated world and bunker scene in client project for quick info integration
* Removed old item auto pickup scrolling texts from client project

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in handle keypress functionality in inventory manager in client project
* Fixed bug in inventory foley audio handling where generic loot sounds could overlap each other
* Fixed bug in inventory foley audio handling in client project

== v. - 08/02/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added various new network messages for batched spawning of dynamic entities to server and client project
* Added batched spawning for all dynamic entities to servers interest manager

=== Updated ===

* Updated server sync values for dynamic entities in static values

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in CharacterData where character id was flagged as ignored field on network copy creation
* Fixed bug in spawn character command for remote players where character data was used instead of the character data network copy

== v. - 07/02/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added take all button hook for instant looting to client project
* Added loot all tooltip to client ui when actively looting a loot container
* Added take all handler to client input manager
* Added input variable for take all handling in client project
* Added loot container auto close function after loot all was executed successfully
* Added scrolling item text to generic loot all function in client project
* Added message batching for movement, state and weapon updates to server project
* Added various new network messages for batch updates to client and server project
* Added lerping to sendrate updates in client project
* Added new distance based priority caps to server scene
* Added network message sent error handling to server and client project
* Added SupportService

=== Updated ===

* Updated despawn lootable message to make sure the last state update will get sent to clients correctly
* Updated player loot text color scheme and scrolling text handler in client project
* Updated spawn handling in servers interest manager to prepare spawn messages for further batching
* Updated keybind position of loot all option in game menu
* Updated keybind name of loot all option in game menu
* Updated batched movement, state and weapon updates to fragmented messages in server project
* Updated network configuration parameter location in server project
* Updated network batching limit in server project from 10 to 20 messages
* Updated max message sent queue in client and server to 1024 entries
* Updated interest management in server project to support batching of update messages
* Updated subscription values due new presence management in server and client project
* Updated max message sent queue in client and server to 2048 entries
* Updated network ack buffor from 32 bit to 64 bit
* Updated internal debug ui component in server and client project
* Updated asset menu structure of scriptable mount asset menus in server and client project
* Updated various tool location strings in various scriptable object editors
* Updated presence management in server from fixed priority ranges to distance based priority system
* Updated server editor ui for distance based priority system
* Removed old priority range defaults from server scene

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug where lootables did not open as expected when loot all function was used
* Fixed bug in server where disconnect handler caused an unnecessary warning regarding fishables and harvestables
* Fixed bug in import settings for tree trunk asset in content
* Fixed bug in server respawn handling where players mount collider was active after respawn
* Fixed bug in network message order where new network messages were placed in wrong place after merge
* Fixed bug in server main scene where server main component had wrong default values
* Fixed bug in presence managers map cache where world bounds did not reflect correct world size
* Fixed bug where chat messages did not work as expected after presence management update

== v. - 13/01/2023 ==

=== New ===

* Added missing repayment setting to client settings
* Added shared service libary, added automatic login for repayment link
* Added LoginQueue for expensive decryption
* Added Supporttool authentication and some basic features
* Added SearchUI for Supporttool
* Added log messages for game server login, fixed findings from performance tests
* Added quality profiles for client settings and set default to Medium
* Added workaround for volume cloud on OSX devices
* Added Assembly version to Payment Proxy and updated build script
* Added private worlds and cip accounts

=== Updated ===

* Updated session recording and playback
* Updated handling of RSA usage on Login packet
* Updated Payment Proxy to prevent sleep after connection error
* Updated Payment Proxy to handle multiple requests simultanesouly
* Updated Payment Proxy to add timeout for ssl connection

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed a bug where bunker was not always saved correctly
* Fixed timing of pre-login session messages
* Fixed a bug where ranking was updated while being saved
* Fixed some issues with ranking generation and update
* Fixed a bug where the server didn't shutdown correctly before finishing background saving of data
* Fixed some minor issues with SFX Settings and game menu

== v. - 19/12/2022 ==

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed a bug where the production in the bunker warehouse was not assigned correctly when players weren't logged in at completion time

== v. - 16/12/2022 ==

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed a bug where players could start already completed quests
* Fixed various terrain issues
* Fixed content bugs, where some assets didn't have the correct position

== v. - 14/12/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added new backpack items 'Basket' to content
* Added new interface elements for additional backpack slot remove marks in client project
* Added dynamic container size handling to inventory containers in client project
* Added remove mark handlers to inventory item class in client project
* Added remove mark handlers to inventory slot class in client project
* Added various new inventory container handlers to inventory system in client project
* Added resize operations to inventory manager in client project
* Added new voice over sounds for inventory operations in client project
* Added various new result enums to handle different inventory results in client project
* Added new static color for bonus slots to client and server project
* Added new static strings for backpack operation related system messages to client and server project
* Added scrolling function to inventory containers in client project
* Added helper function to character inventory data to calculate the additional inventory rows gained by the current backpack
* Added various new defines for inventory interface generation to static values
* Added new item type backpack to client and server project
* Added new inventory slot for backpack to inventory manager
* Added backpack fallback handling to inventory handling of players and remote players in client project

=== Updated ===

* Updated initialisation of inventory containers in client project
* Updated inventory item prefab and inventory slot prefabs in client project
* Updated code comment structure in inventory container class in client project
* Updated free slot search for new inventory items in server project
* Updated male and female voice set in client project
* Updated various code comments in character data inventory class in client and server project
* Updated various input handlers to avoid any problems with picked items
* Updated resources due new item types in client and server project
* Updated inventory container generation in client project to be codewise much more user friendly
* Updated backpack loading system in client project to consider dynamic backpack sizes on interface generation
* Updated loot container spawning in enemy and npc ai to be more flexible
* Updated inventory container prefab in client project
* Updated automatic item order in inventory containers from top-bottom to left-right
* Updated inventory slot resolution in client project from 56x56 to 48x48
* Updated storage tab size in client from 12x11 to 14x14 slots
* Updated inventory tab size in client from 12x5 to 14x6 slots
* Updated spare parts tab size in client from 12x7 to 14x8 slots
* Updated ammo tab size in client from 4x1 to 5x2 slots
* Updated mail tab size in client from 9x3 to 11x3 slots
* Updated mail dialog layout in client project
* Updated chat width in client project
* Updated size of various dialog elements in client project
* Updated click handling in inventory system from click events to more responsive mouse down events
* Updated loot item generation system in server project to generate container positions on server side for future reference
* Updated lootable, harvestable, fishable and questable spawner definition in client and server project
* Updated network messages and aot defines for all loot messages in client and server project
* Updated default knowledge of players in content
* Updated inventory item handlers for backpack item types in client and server project
* Updated main camera focal lens settings to improve depth of field effect
* Updated runtime handling of environmental gameplay settings in client project
* Updated import settings of all materials and enabled gpu instancing by default to avoid any cpu overhead during rendering
* Updated import settings of textures to fit the correct texture size to avoid unnecessary render overhead during runtime
* Updated import settings of textures to enable dynamic mipmap streaming during client runtime
* Updated default lod distance values to minimize negative visual effects of nearby impostors
* Updated default lod1 range from 80% to 85% in world patches
* Updated default lod crossfade option in world optimizer to gain some additional performance during client runtime
* Updated default lod bias from 100% to 110% to improve visual quality during client runtime
* Updated default game settings file of client in repository
* Updated default detail grass distance from 90m to 85m in client project
* Removed backpack label tag from inventory backpack container in client project
* Dead bodies will remain on the ground much longer, making it easier to loot from larger groups of Undead

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug where server and client did not build as expected due some unnecessary using directives in code
* Fixed bug in inventory system in client where loot container rows received wrong colour values
* Fixed bug in inventory system in client where rects of resized loot containers received wrong transform values
* Fixed bug where null exception could occur during free slot search on swapping in inventory container
* Fixed bugs in inventory system in client project
* Fixed bug in inventory system where auto move did not find valid move to containers under certain circumstances
* Fixed bug in inventory system where left and right clicks on items did not respond as expected during cursor movement
* Fixed bug in game settings where brightness values did not get initialised as expected
* Fixed bug in client world scene where an invalid worldmanager, account and utility reference occurred during runtime
* In addition the micro lags every 5 minutes have been fixed.

== v. - 22/11/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added support for squads (Account -> Squad on Gamworld (like your character's family name) -> Characters)
* Added new server Deadend in Brazil
* Added new Login and Accountservice in Backend infrastructure
* Added Virtual Currency Server in Backend

=== Updated ===

* Updated the layout of the city
* Updated various buildings in the city
* Updated main camera focal lens settings to improve depth of field effect
* Updated runtime handling of environmental gameplay settings in client project
* Updated import settings of all materials and enabled gpu instancing by default to avoid any cpu overhead during rendering
* Updated import settings of textures to fit the correct texture size to avoid unnecessary render overhead during runtime
* Updated import settings of textures to enable dynamic mipmap streaming during client runtime
* Updated default lod distance values to minimize negative visual effects of nearby impostors
* Updated default lod1 range from 80% to 85% in world patches
* Updated default lod crossfade option in world optimizer to gain some additional performance during client runtime
* Updated default lod bias from 100% to 110% to improve visual quality during client runtime
* Updated default game settings file of client in repository
* Updated default detail grass distance from 90m to 85m in client project

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in game settings where brightness values did not get initialized as expected
* Fixed bug in client world scene where an invalid worldmanager, account and utility reference occured during runtime

=== Update notes ===

* The new client will increase overall FPS performance around 10-20%.

== v. - 27/10/2022 ==

=== Updated ===

* Updated the position of the music tower to another position in town
* Updated Junction city to increase performance

== v. - 24/10/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added more detail propping across the world
* Added observatory on mountain

=== Updated ===

* Updated black bear to require skinning skill of 15 or higher
* Updated burned trees to require limbering skill of 15 or higher
* Updated metal ore to require mining skill of 15 or higher

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed a bug where players couldn't skin animals anymore

== v. - 13/10/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added various content locations
* Added vegetation
* Added more detail propping across the world
* Added new animal black bear
* Added new animal black boar

=== Updated ===

* Updated terrain in various areas

== v. - 06/10/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added harvest requirements to harvestable spawners in server and client project
* Added harvest success and failure trigger to harvestable spawners in server and client project
* Added new voice message for skills to male and female voice over sets
* Added new increment and decrement action node to ai behavior system
* Added new ai behavior system (monsters and npcs are not using it yet!)

=== Updated ===

* Updated error and fail handling for harvesting in client project
* Updated network answer message for harvest requests in cliet and server project
* Updated aot defines for network protocol in client and server project
* Removed unnecessary using directives from source files of ai behavior system

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug where missing ifdef prevented client and server from building as expected
* Fixed bug where condition nodes with invalid variable identifiers caused null exceptions

== v. - 23/09/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added Cult Bread
* Added new knowledge and tool Scythe
* Added new harvestable wheat
* Added new NPC Sylvia at Cult Of The Atom

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in Cracks in the Sky quest
* Fixed bug in the Black Wood quest

== v. - 22/09/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added effect handling to content modifiers in scripting engine in server and client project
* Added new effect 'Light Of The Atom' to content
* Added new 2nd tier ressources for Burned Trees (Black wood and wood tar) and Rocks (Rock Parts and Metal Ore)
* Added new NPCs and Quests for Cult Of The Atom
* Added Exalted Trading for Cult Of The Atom
* Added new weapon Rossi Circuit Judge
* Added new weapon MTs255
* Added new ammo LC .45

=== Updated ===

* Updated Wrench knifes to correct quality level

== v. - 16/09/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added new skills 'Casual Clothing', 'Light Armor' and 'Heavy Armor' to content
* Added new skill modifiers for durability loss reduction to client and server project

=== Updated ===

* Updated equipment item tooltips in client project
* Updated armor durability handling and added in new skill hooks in server project
* Updated armor types of all equipment items in content
* Updated skill editor in client and server project
* Updated world optimizer to force not to apply root motion on animators during runtime
* Removed depricated woodhacker claimable from content

== v. - 07/09/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added new flag to interactable spawners to enable emergency door opening

=== Updated ===

* Updated interactable handling and added usage from behind overload capability to server
* Updated prefab of rob container in content
* Updated login network message with premium account information
* Updated aot defines for network protocol in client and server project

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in quest 'Storage Wars' where questflag did not get removed correctly when abandoning the quest

== v. - 05/09/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added new quest for Rob at Cult of the Atom

=== Updated ===

* Updated loot chances for Boss Docker

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in scripting engine where tooltype check did not behave as expected
* Fixed bug with various issues with floating items

== v. - 01/09/2022 ==

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed a bug where certain equipment could be upgraded for free in the bunker

== v. - 01/09/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added new terrain detail textures to client and server project
* Added item upgrade system to bunker workshop
* Added item upgrade handling to account manager in server project
* Added item repair system to bunker workshop
* Added item durability scaling with quality to client and server project
* Added new network messages for workshop handling to client and server project
* Added new chat message type for item upgrade system to client and server project
* Added various ui images and icons for item upgrade system to client project
* Added new monsters and new bossmonster
* Added new research
* Added various new quests

=== Updated ===

* Updated various patches to fix animatable rotations in content
* Updated water shader for lakes and oceans in client project
* Updated terrain detail textures in client project
* Updated terrain detail settings in patches in client and server project
* Updated terrain patch settings with new details in client and server project
* Updated terrain texture layers in client and server project
* Updated durability loss of items if upgrading failed in bunker workshop
* Updated item repair dialog in bunker workshop menu
* Updated item placement rules for item upgrade and repair containers in bunker workshop menu
* Updated item quality price modifiers in client and server project
* Updated raw materials turnover event for zks in server project to handle changes on item upgrades correctly
* Updated network request message for item upgrade requests in client and server project
* Updated aot defines for network protocol in client and server project
* Updated resources in resoured manager for client and server project
* Updated durability yield values of item repair system in bunker workshop
* Updated workshop menu prefab in client project
* Updated auto move operations in inventory manager in client project
* Updated aot defines for network protocol in client and server project
* Updated font assets in client project
* Updated max textures layers for terrain patches from 8 to 12 in client and server project
* Updated terrain slope values in splatmap configuration

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in world optimizer where animators inherited wrong world rotations
* Fixed bug in inventory manager where item borders did not get refreshed as expected
* Fixed bug in content where various items did not have valid crafting materials
* Fixed bug in terrain patches where invalid tree objects existed in certain patches
* Fixed bug where existing accounts did not receive any valid workshop data after migration in server projec
* Fixed bug in workshop where repair button ui updates could cause some flickering artifacts in client project
* Fixed bug in inventory manager where auto equip of items to current character inventory was possible in bunker workshop
* Fixed bug in server where new accounts did not receive the workshop data as expected
* Fixed bug in inventory manager where auto move of items to current character inventory was possible in bunker workshop
* Fixed bug in bunker menu handler where sorting order of interface elements was wrong
* Fixed bug where internal ids of network messages did not match code documentation
* Fixed bug in weapon editor where melee and ranged weapon attack range was broken

== v. - 04/08/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added new npcs and quests
* Added new faction and areas
* Added new time check handling to content conditions in scripting engine in client and server project
* Added prefab for readable dialog to client project
* Added readable dialog data structures to client project
* Added readable dialog handling to dialog manager in client project
* Added new attributes to dialog handling in scripting engine in server project
* Added main camera rotation to god command scripting engine in client and server project
* Added weather updates to god command handling in client and server project
* Added time of day updates to god command handling in client and server project
* Added new god commands for performance cases to client and server project
* Added network message for god commands to client and server project
* Added god teleportation handler in client and server project
* Added teleport modifier to god command handler in server project
* Added content modifier handling for god commands in server project
* Added god commands to resource manager in client and server project
* Added scriptable data structures for god commands to client and server project
* Added new graphic option for world camera culling distance to client project

=== Updated ===

* Updated content condition evaluation in client and server project
* Updated world manager time handler in server project
* Updated dialog manager in boot scene in client project
* Updated content modifier interface is client and server project
* Updated network message for dialog handling in client and server project
* Updated aot defines for network protocol in client and server project
* Updated aot defines for network protocol in server and client project
* Updated world bounds for recast graph generation in server project
* Updated recast graph baking bounding volume in server project
* Updated aot defines for network protocol in server and client project

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in start looting of questable where wrong condition stack was evaluated
* Fixed bug where god characters inventory got destroyed after drinking alcoholic beverages
* Fixed bug where keypad enter key did not behave as expected in client chat

== v. - 21/07/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added new NPC Leslie Proud and Quests (Other side of large bridge)
* Added new Mountains and scaling of mountains and landscape
* Added detail propping in various content locations
* Added new research "Radiation"
* Added new weapon "Fish Spear"
* Added new fish
* Added new fishing grounds

=== Updated ===

* Updated Unity to 2021.3 LTS
* Updated burst compiler version from 1.6.4 to 1.6.6

== v. - 13/07/2022 ==

=== New ===

* We have moved to new servers with a different configuration. This is required for upcoming backend services
* Added new world patches to content
* Added new content (and things with 😻)

=== Updated ===

* Updated default server ip in client project to dns name
* Updated world manager in client to partialized class structure

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug where character kept jumping while walking around

== v. - 30/06/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added new animatable windmill to content
* Added damage indicator for low health
* Added damage indicator for direct hit damage including correction for player movement
* Added Blood VFX effect when you hit an enemy
* Added Blood VFX effect for headshots
* Added more propped buildings
* Added new road system for areas outside of city
* Added hover indicator that weapon loading during trades is not allowed

=== Updated ===

* Updated Ragdoll system (now uses a lot less CPU time)
* Updated animator audio handling of players, npcs and enemies to support new physics material 'Plastic'
* Updated unity terrain tools in client project from 4.0.3 to TerrainTools_4.0.3_hotfix
* Updated various asset materials and physics materials

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed bug in servers inventory manager where merging item stacks could generate item duplicates under certain circumstances
* Fixed bug in client where startup video was not rendered correctly
* Fixed bug where deleting an inventory item in world did not get propagated to subscribers as expected
* Fixed bug in item tool tips where scaled armour and weapon damage values were not rounded as expected
* Fixed bug in unity terrain tools package where null exception could occur in gui code
* Fixed bug where reloading weapons in trading dialog leads to unwanted behaviour
* Fixed bug where culture specific number formats prevent interacting, looting, harvesting

== v. - 08/06/2022 ==

=== New ===

* Added new detail propping across the world

=== Fixed ===

* Fixed some terrain and grass issues
* Fixed a bug where players with certain system language settings could not interact with objects in the game

== v. - 07/06/2022 ==
== v. - 07/06/2022 ==

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